12V Rouge Noir 16 Fil AWG pour l'audio automobile


DelightFire is the flad cable Manufacturer, we provide 12v red black 16AWG wire with many colors.

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UGS electrical-wire-wholesale-red-black-16awg-wire-EWC0008 Catégories ,

Finding a suitable size red black 16 AWG fil for your audio speakers is not an easy task if you don’t know a lot about the wire size, but familiarising yourself with some basic knowledge about audio speaker wire can help you make an informed decision. This article will introduce you to a typical audio speaker size – 16Fil AWG, which I hope you will find helpful.

Red Black 16AWG Wire Wholesale for Sale

Qu'est-ce que red black 16Fil AWG?

Le nombre devant AWG (par exemple., 22AWG, 20AWG) indique le nombre de trous que le fil doit traverser avant de former son diamètre final; plus le nombre est grand, plus le fil doit traverser de trous, et plus le diamètre du fil est petit. Red black 16AWG wire is a guide to the number of holes the wire has to pass through before forming its final diameter, lequel est 16.

What is red black 16awg wire-

What is the importance of the American wire gauge?

AWG (Calibre de fil américain), une norme pour distinguer les diamètres de fil, is also known as the Brown & Jauge de fil Sharpe. Le nombre devant AWG (par exemple., 18AWG, 20AWG) indicates the number of holes the wire has to pass through before it reaches its final diameter; plus le nombre est grand, plus le fil doit traverser de trous, et plus le diamètre du fil est petit.

What is the importance of the American wire gauge_

Thicker electrical wires have better physical strength and lower resistance, mais plus le fil est épais, the more bare copper is required to make the cable, which makes it heavier, more challenging to install, and more expensive.


The larger the cross-section of the wire, the lower its resistance. En outre, the larger the cross-section, the greater the amount of current (amperage) the wire can safely carry before it overheats. Larger gauge wire carries less power than smaller gauge wire. En général, a lower AWG number is preferred to a higher AWG.


AWG is essential for electric wires that carry powerdomestic or commercial wires, extension cords, or high-power wires for automotive or audio use. If too small a wire (high AWG) is used, then the wire may overheat, melt or catch fire. C'est, donc, vital to consider the current carrying capacity of the wire or circuit.


For signal transmission lines, such as audio connections or video interconnects, the AWG of the wire is less important than power lines. As these electrical signals are usually low power, smaller AWG (larger wires) are not required. In these cases, proper shielding and cable pair stranding is more vital for signal integrity than the AWG of the stranded wire.

Important data for 16 Fil AWG

According to the comparison table, different sizes of wire have different diameters and cross-sectional areas.


12AWG wire is a wire with a diameter of 2.05 mm and a cross-sectional area of 3.332 sq. ms. 14AWG wire is a wire with a diameter of 1.63 mm and a cross-sectional area of 2.075 sq. ms. 16AWG wire is a wire with a diameter of 1.29 mm and a cross-sectional area of 1.318 square milliseconds.

Important data for 16AWG wire_

The AWG standard also specifies that the rated current and the maximum current through which the conductor can be operated are different for different AWG values, which can be referred to utilizing the AWG comparison table.

AWG comparison table

AWG Diamètre extérieur Cross-section Resistance Value AWG Diamètre extérieur Cross-section Resistance Value
millimètre inch (mm2) (W/km) millimètre inch (mm2) (W/km)
4/0 11.68 0.46 107.22 0.17 22 0.643 0.0253 0.3247 54.3
3/0 10.4 0.4096 85.01 0.21 23 0.574 0.0226 0.2588 48.5
2/0 9.27 0.3648 67.43 0.26 24 0.511 0.0201 0.2047 89.4
1/0 8.25 0.3249 53.49 0.33 25 0.44 0.0179 0.1624 79.6
1 7.35 0.2893 42.41 0.42 26 0.404 0.0159 0.1281 143
2 6.54 0.2576 33.62 0.53 27 0.361 0.0142 0.1021 128
3 5.83 0.2294 26.67 0.66 28 0.32 0.0126 0.0804 227
4 5.19 0.2043 21.15 0.84 29 0.287 0.0113 0.0647 289
5 4.62 0.1819 16.77 1.06 30 0.254 0.01 0.0507 361
6 4.11 0.162 13.3 1.33 31 0.226 0.0089 0.0401 321
7 3.67 0.1443 10.55 1.68 32 0.203 0.008 0.0316 583
8 3.26 0.1285 8.37 2.11 33 0.18 0.0071 0.0255 944
9 2.91 0.1144 6.63 2.67 34 0.16 0.0063 0.0201 956
10 2.59 0.1019 5.26 3.36 35 0.142 0.0056 0.0169 1,200
11 2.3 0.0907 4.17 4.24 36 0.127 0.005 0.0127 1,530
12 2.05 0.0808 3.332 5.31 37 0.114 0.0045 0.0098 1,377
13 1.82 0.072 2.627 6.69 38 0.102 0.004 0.0081 2,400
14 1.63 0.0641 2.075 8.45 39 0.089 0.0035 0.0062 2,100
15 1.45 0.0571 1.646 10.6 40 0.079 0.0031 0.0049 4,080
16 1.29 0.0508 1.318 13.5 41 0.071 0.0028 0.004 3,685
17 1.15 0.0453 1.026 16.3 42 0.064 0.0025 0.0032 6,300
18 1.02 0.0403 0.8107 21.4 43 0.056 0.0022 0.0025 5,544
19 0.912 0.0359 0.5667 26.9 44 0.051 0.002 0.002 10,200
20 0.813 0.032 0.5189 33.9 45 0.046 0.0018 0.0016 9,180
21 0.724 0.0285 0.4116 42.7 46 0.041 0.0016 0.0013 16,300

What is the uses of 16AWG wire?

The thickness of a wire is expressed in its gauge or by reference to the Calibre de fil américain (AWG). 12AWG wire is thicker than 16AWG wire. Fils 12, 14, 16, et 18 sont les fils de haut-parleur audio les plus courants.

What is the uses of 16AWG wire_

Le fil toronné est plus flexible et plus accessible au fil que le fil à noyau solide et peut résister aux vibrations et à la flexion; donc, il est plus couramment utilisé pour le câblage des haut-parleurs audio. Le processus de fabrication du fil toronné est beaucoup plus complexe, donc ça coûtera plus cher à fabriquer. L'épaisseur du fil que vous choisissez est vitale car elle affecte la résistance globale du circuit du haut-parleur. Par conséquent, il s'agit du transfert de puissance entre l'amplificateur et les enceintes. La résistance est une mesure de la résistance actuelle. 16AWG wire has less power loss and is, donc, plus adapté aux haut-parleurs ou aux câbles d'extension, sauf si la charge est faible et que le câble doit être caché.


Audio cable length and distance

The length of the cable and the impedance or power requirements of the speaker should also be considered when selecting speaker wire. The distance from the amplifier to each speaker in the system is important; you must measure and capture this figure and ensure that you include approximately 4 à 6 feet of additional cable slack at each end.

Audio cable length and distance

Having determined the audio cable length, now select the wire gauge size. If your speakers have a nominal impedance of 4 ohms or less and require a lot of power, then it is best to choose 14 ou 12 fil de jauge, albeit over longer distances. For most 8-ohm speaker circuits less than 50 feet in length, 16 gauge wire would be ideal. For wires over 75 feet, choose at least 16 fil de jauge, if not 14 ou 12 jauge. Distance affects resistance; the longer the distance, the greater the resistance. So you will need to use a thicker gauge to keep the resistance of the wire as low as possible.

Où acheter red black 16 Fil AWG?

Delightfire has maintained its wire and cable niche for over a decade, insisting on excellent quality based on the market and using it to provide customers with high-quality fil électrique et câble, including 16AWG wire. Si vous êtes occupé par un projet de fil et de câble, merci de nous contacter ou de faire une demande de devis.


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